My Sister’s Scarecrow

My Sister’s Scarecrow

Please note: this story was provided by the author and published as is. I should start by saying I hate theme parks. Carnivals, fairs, festivals, all of them. I mean,  I have more reason than most to hate them, but I’ll get to that later. It’s just ever since I...
The Broken Man

The Broken Man

Please note: this story was provided by the author and published as is. “Hello, Daniel. It’s good to see you.” “Good evening, Doctor Sanders. I’m pleased you could make it here so late. I know my call was a bit sudden.” “I’m happy to be here. I was a bit surprised to...
My Dad Was Married Once Before

My Dad Was Married Once Before

Please note: this story was provided by the author and published as is. My dad was married, once, before he met my mom. We always knew that growing up, but no one really talked about it. My mom was the only mother my older sister ever had, and she loved us both like...
The Dead Corner

The Dead Corner

Please note: this story was provided by the author and published as is. Dear Brother,  Please find enclosed a check for three hundred and fifty dollars. I cannot properly return the gift you have forced upon me so I have estimated its cost and paid it back to you.   I...
The Mushroom Hunter

The Mushroom Hunter

Please note: this story was provided by the author and published as is. Created by Danny Ingrassia The first thing I noticed was her dress.   It wasn’t all that unique, just some long green peasant thing, but it was enough to make me look at the whole painting....