I Eat Where You Sleep

I Eat Where You Sleep

Please note: this story was provided by the author and published as is. His shadow stretched in a column of light from the doorway into darkness.  Choked moonlight streaming through the blinds, turning familiar fixtures into undefined masses of bulging darkness. He...
The Reward

The Reward

Please note: this story was provided by the author and published as is. They called me a vulture, so I leaned into it. Shortened it to Vulture for simplicity. I’d prefer to be called Thomas Langford, but sometimes you have to give in to nicknames. It can feel like a...


Please note: this story was provided by the author and published as is. I hate my teacher. It’s a small school, so Mr. Morgan is the only available option as an English teacher for the ninth graders. There’s no way around taking his class, so every weekday, I go into...
Labor & Delivery

Labor & Delivery

Please note: this story was provided by the author and published as is. When you work in the Labor & Delivery ward for as long as I have, everyone assumes you love babies. I don’t love babies. I like them enough. And maybe at one point, I loved babies, but it’s...
The Menagerie

The Menagerie

Please note: this story was provided by the author and published as is. Working in an Amazon fulfillment warehouse is about soul satisfying as it sounds. It wasn’t my dream job but nothing really was. College was a wash and trade school didn’t go any better for me. I...