The Heart Below

The Heart Below

Please note: this story was provided by the author and published as is. I’ve always had a thing for places “off limits”. You know, “off limits”, like areas us regular civilians are advised to stay clear of. Growing up, there was this patch of land, just outside the...
Unlucky In Love

Unlucky In Love

Please note: this story was provided by the author and published as is. There are people in the world that are super good and those that are super bad and then there’s this whole chunk of people in the middle that just exist, just live, coasting along through life...
A Bittersweet Lullaby

A Bittersweet Lullaby

Please note: this story was provided by the author and published as is. The click, click, click of a winding key as the moment meanders among past, present, and future. The soft yawn of a leather chair relaxing under the intimate rest of its partner.   Shuffling and a...
Lady in Waiting

Lady in Waiting

Please note: this story was provided by the author and published as is. It’s 1967. Darla Jenkins was beautiful—too beautiful. Her long, dark curls framed a  stunning, porcelain face. A real-life Snow White. A Snow White that fled her meager existence instead of an...
The Light Taker

The Light Taker

Please note: this story was provided by the author and published as is. It was just supposed to be a scary story, and it wasn’t even a very good one. It was the kind of thing a parent tells their kid to make sure they’re home before dark, or something an older brother...